The National Weather Service anticipates that the District of Columbia will receive between 6-12 inches of snow starting Tuesday. Given the impending weather, it is critically important for dog owners to understand that when dogs defecate in the snow, it *does not in fact disappear.* Yes, it may seem to disappear, but this is merely an illusion caused by hot dog feces melting the snow underneath (which has comparatively little thermal mass). It also appears that many dog owners believe that if they leave dog feces on top of the snow (even when it is plainly visible) that it will disappear. This is also misinformation.
Accordingly, it is important that you pick up your dog's poop -- even in the snow. This may feel unfamiliar, or mildly uncomfortable as the commingling of snow and steaming hot dog feces causes alternately cold and hot sensations through the doggy poo bag. But seeing as it will not disappear on it's own, it is, sadly, the only way.
This is an issue of great personal importance to me -- and I speak from painful personal experience. As a long-time dog owner, I've experienced the whirlwind of emotions associated with picking up poop in the snow. I too struggled with basic concepts like object permanence as a small child. I feel your pain.
So as the flakes start to fall, and the poop inevitably follows. Just remember, you still need to scoop it. Even in the snow, even if you put it in a plastic bag, doggy poo does not simply disappear.
Thank you for listening to my TED talk.