What is up with the ADC mid/top/jg picks?

Yes, you heard it right. This is my first season in Wild Rift. I am a diamond desktop player, and I have noticed some ADCs playing unconventional roles like Tristana, Ashe, MF, and Vayne in lanes where they get demolished. While these picks can occasionally work, in Wild Rift, this trend is getting out of hand.

In my last 20 games as an ADC, 15 of them featured troll picks like Ashe top or mid, Tristana jungle, Caitlyn mid, Mf top, and so on. The list seems endless. Despite my best efforts to rank up (currently Diamond 2), I am constantly losing because these players end up feeding the enemy team.

I have never seen such a high ADC pick rate in higher ELO on desktop LOL. I understand that Diamond is not exceptionally challenging in Wild Rift, but why do people enjoy picking ADCs to face tanks or assassins that can one shot them? I am exhausted from matches where I see a 1/15 Ashe or a 0/13 Miss Fortune (those were my last two games).

Do you see these troll picks in high elo? masters? Thoughts?

EDIT: To make it clearer. I am not struggling playing vs adc top or mid. I am complaining that my teammates are choosing adc in mid and top lane and making us lose the game.