Singed with Zekes Convergence, Rylais and Yordle Trap is the new forbidden tech

There’s a build circulating right now after AP Singed got nerfed to oblivion. Basically, you go Zekes into Rylais and Yordle Trap, followed by Liandrys and a defensive item (FoN for AP heavy team, FH for heavy AD team, or Twinguard for mixed). This makes Singed a hyper mobile tank with an obnoxious slow and enormous kill potential. Not to mention Yordle Trap will net you and your team gold with every fling (and kill). You just hit ghost, walk in and ulti to disrupt the front and back line, fling the carry into your team, and get out. If your team aren’t potatoes, most time it ends in an ace and a free objective.