Payoff CC early
Hi, just a quick question about credit cards.
I just received my first closing statement on Dec 15th and the payment is due Jan 9th.
I'm planning to payoff the balance in full each month, which will be easy because YNAB has already set aside all the funds in the cc category.
In this first month, the statement closed around $1100 but the accrued balance in YNAB is closer to $1800
Is there a reason I shouldn't just send a payment for the full amount borrowed, which I can identify by the YNAB cc category?
I'm anxious seeing this debt and also the cc has a limit of $2k monthly, so it could create logistical problems if the cc reaches its max (for example the card will stop working at the gas pump)
Will the accounting become more diffcult if I'm essentially making 2 payments per month?