[DISC] Recognize At a Glance (Oneshot by Holiday Yasumi)
Apparently I have over 1500 videos saved to "Watch Later"
“Open arena splits the playerbase”: you cant force people to play the game your way
Shadow Touch is useless... plus Warlocks need another 1h... if not Kris, then something else (but it should be Kris)
Quitters should get a penalty
What did y’all think of Super Bowl halftime show; Kendrick Lamar’s performance?
In Light of Everything (oc)
I'm really happy with the new changes NGL.
Australian Senator Nick McKim delivered a speech on the US slide into fascism
Is Goblin Recovery good for the game?
Ironmace bans KimchiMage for publishing a video detailing an exploit that allows you to TK a teammate, loot them, then extract while retaining their gear in your stash.
The new patch might have made the game a tad too easy lol. Abandoned run after mission 30 at around 14 hours. Details included if you're interested.
Life after death abusing needs to be addressed.
So We Just Don't Do Updates Now Aye?
Streamers/youtubers to watch
Game is fixed now! Yes, balance can be better. But it's tons more fun! I hope people consider re reviewing, this game deserves at the very very least a 70% rating and this will help the developer a lot!
Hookshot Trap discussion
When you run into a bard on solos
one day we will have good dev communication on what's going on/delays
How is Trump doing so much, so quickly?
OpenAI researcher says agents will soon be doing their jobs at speeds beyond human comprehension
Nearly 2 months since wipe and I still can't pray to Blythar
When emotes backfire
Running into Super Ultra BIS Kits that People Curated from the Market is Not Fun
Monster weaknesses would be dope. Blunt is best on skeletons, Slashing on gobs, Fire on bugs and anything named 'Ice', Piecing damage best on small creatures, Lightning on anything that flies, and any other ideas are welcome!