I think Bron Breakker did really well. And fans go crazy when he spears. What do you guys think?
What’s next for Damian Priest?
Final 4 of last years rumble. Who/What are your predictions for the final 4 of this year rumble?
Who your top 2 best mic skills 🎤🎤 wrestlers ever? Best and second best?
Hot Take: Drew should win the Royal Rumble
What are some good healthy things to do to get dopamine?
(27M) Why don't I excited about finding love like I did when I was a teenager?
Day 8 finally!! My thoughts
Haven't fapped since Aug 15th, have a great GF now and we're sexually active, however...
Y'all I'm 4 seasons deep into the series, had a question though
Be honest - who looks the coolest and who looks the dorkiest in this iconic photo.
Roman Reigns is cool but he needs to pay for what hes done
Elanga being slept on?
Help with boners
GW21 Scout Selection
A dye is added so LA firefighters can see where the fire retardant chemicals were dropped
Highly sexual dreams…
From around 52 kilos to 78
Who are your top 10 favorite wwe wrestlers of all time
Virgin tempted to fall into fapping
I have been talking to a girl
Day 5 is it normal I have almost no libido?
im so horny please just once
I don't get horny anymore (like 5 days)