Does your doggie do this?
Been working on this for a year.
I got this autographed today by some childhood hero’s!
I bout this unverified Stan Lee and Todd McFarlane autograph. I wanted to know if anyone can tell from the picture if it is real.
That boy said he got that dog in him
Bangladeshi Fruit Vendor Trying to Protect His Grapes from Train Passengers
Where y'all sittin' at?
Chicago cyber truck on 40 inch rims
Today I’m saying Happy 2nd Birthday to Punky!
Meeting Deku at collectacon awesome!
Angry and unexpected
Jroc appreciation post
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I saw this in Facebook market place. Lmao just a casual 118k to drop
Never In a MILLION YEARS will you ever guess how this ends
I bet you can park right here
Well that got crazy fast
Well that’s did go as planned…
Please get this to Dwayne the Rock Johnson
Punky the Pondering Pug
Does anyone else’s pug spins this many times before potty? (Just is just to pee forget about pooping)
Passenger ejected
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