They replaced the panties support item icon with Oolong.
They need to do some crazy events this anni for the vegito team, even the Goku/frieza fight is easy and with most units at 55%
This guy is invincible
The gambling stops now
Good luck on your summons Everyone!
Category Battlefield teams
What was that just now?
To celebrate 10 years of Dokkan, share some of your best and worst memories with this game!
Just pre ordered my 1st SH Figure from yoyakunow
best team for teq Beerus?
BD Broly Arm attachments
Broly's added to display.
When you see this screen you know SSBE Vegeta's going to completely ruin his chances of getting his revive up
Pls rate - mid 2000 chess Figure
I wanted to post this here to honor our champion before the big update tomorrow
BD Broly (battle damaged) question
Just a Little bit MORE of HIM! 😈
Demoniacal Fit Xeno Base Goku
BD Broly Neck Peg
1 Year in Dokkan!
What is your go-to team when all else fails?
Post your cat pic in the comments and I'll make a quick sketch!
What hidden Potential should I do for this guy?
What is your most wanted figures?
Demoniacal Figure joint