We did it guys, my dream made it on Know Your Meme
Would you do it?
Would you slap me for 1 million dollars?🥺🥺
Blu Beast Gettin’ Some Dome
I don’t…even have any words.
Just some alternatives for anyone who missed out on these.
First time here and this shit happens (2 dudes btw)
Got some cards at a thrift store for $10. It's a gamble but for $10 ya never know
I thought I was cooked
What we thinking bout this one
Happens to the best of us
When did you start playing ?
I try not to complain about prices since it’s the same conversation every time, but genuinely wtf.
Any tweaks I can do
Oh...How I LOVE Dragon Ball farming
Who do you think deserves a unique equip more?
We are hiring for execs!
Guys, I’ve been building my teams the wrong way since the beginning.
How many do you guys drink a day?
In a MarioLord14 instagram comment section
Reddit mods ruin reddit
If you could permanently delete any unit from the game, who would it be
How did y’alls summons go?
AC gym locker thieves are so cool lol lol lol lol
Yo dawgs, take a look at my own robot. Pretty sick design, right?
How fast do I gotta run