UCL bread
Imperial College London Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) Offers – TMUA
First choice breaddd
Imperial Computing STEP
first year at bath studying computer science and maths - AMA!
How stressful is it studying at Imperial?
anyone got rejected from imperial computing yet
Question about interview / admissions day
oxford maths+cs BREAD
Solo recommendations?
Imperial CS Bread
Imperial Maths&CS Bread
Recent CS offers Imperial
Imperial Maths+CS BREAD!
What’s a normal number of interviews at Oxford?
Fellow Imperial Applicants, what are your ESAT scores?
5.9 in tmua - JMC
Hi guys I got a 3.2 on my hawk TMUA, but I’ve got a Cambridge interview lined up. Am I finished?
What do you use to take notes?
Do Some collages reject you becuase youve applied oxbridge?
Manchester vs Durham
Is year 13 more stressful than 1st year of uni