What is your favourite black card?
What's on your playgroup's ban list?
after spending $300, i think it's still bad lol
Anyone have color combos they just can't vibe with?
I may be missing somthing but do thses go infinite together?
Commander Opinion?
What do my commanders say about me?
"If you can read this in (*non capitalised*) english, thank a soldier "
Help me fine tune my dragon deck
Is there a way to make islandwalk work?
If you could have any creature as your Commander, would there be any too strong?
Favorite Gruul commander?
Holiday destination
Give any 2 legendary creatures "partner."
Uses for Sire of Seven Deaths?
Do I still have the choice to discard and draw two IF targeted creature is removed?
Bringing out dragon tokens
Vidíte ve svém stromečku rádi stromeček?
The factory must…shrink?
Why did they make uranium useless?
Yellow vs red ammo for winning the game?
How are you manage resources on fulgora?
Space Age is the most fun I’ve had playing a game in years (DLC appreciation post)
Forced away from my factory - rate my ship
Real question: why don’t people like UB?