15!! 🎂 and still a cutie
Summer hike in the John Muir Wildnerness, California
Just dropping my beautiful girl. Please share beautiful photos of your pups.
Duality of heeler
From my morning stroll this morning, Boulevard Park neighborhood in Sacramento, California
Romantic Restaurant Recommendation
Your ACD Sunday starter pack
Just learned about this sub, was asked to post my Festival of Lights blanket here as well.
What would you call this style of jeans? And where to get them in petite sizes?
For all you locals who came out today at CIM to cheer and hold signs…
Eastern Sierras over the weekend. If you’re planning to go leaf peeping this season, you should go asap!
Cooking in Curry Village?
Rental Market
I work in Optometry and we have an overstock in trial contact lenses.
Does anyone know if they’re building anything where that Mimi’s used to be now?
For recreation do you find yourself generally heading east or west?
Wanted to get feedback on the SBA’s T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders program - was it worth it?
West Roseville, is being far from the amenities challenge?
I've made 10k in two years, but I've never filed for taxes.
Just arrived at my hotel in Paris, wearing my Curtis Park t-shirt from Pangea, and the first person I see tells me he also lives in Curtis Park!
Honeymoon October2023
What do you do to get out of the house more in Roseville?
Scenes from St. Lucia, February 2023
Rate my itinerary for next weekend. Have any other suggestions or recommendations? Anything I should swap out?
which dress for an outdoor wedding? 5'0"