40%off quinn
Had a bilateral transpo
Where to start
What’s the most unsafe way you’ve ever seen someone use a tool?
Drawing redline software
Purchase stacking discount on qidi printer
Plus 3 vs max3
Speed controller is this a press fit?
Im a woodworker with a $20 HF gift card. What can I get?
issues with sand filter?
Questions about adding chlorine!
Working at the computer with cubital tunnel
I have just recently gotten the Sculpfun S6 Pro and doing my first engraving on wood it worked very well. I have even done one on my leather wallet. But when I am trying to do one on the piece of metal that came with it, it’s not burning into the material. I need some advice
Need help with my mom's laser engraver.
Husband thinks I’m being selfish for cycling on weekends
2x4 stud shrinkage?
Has anyone doing 3d (Maya, Houdini, Blender etc) used a 3DConnexion space-mouse?
Calculating change in spring free length after setting?
Please help me find the right tire. I'm not comprehending sizes (me dumb).
I’d like to resaw this and get two half inch boards, do you think I have any chance at success?
Now am I tripping or what? I bought a bunch of cherry and when I got to this piece and planed it I'm like hmmm... This is maple. Right? No distinct smell like cherry has.
What tool do you wish you had purchased sooner?
Here's what occurs inside the saw when the brake is activated. When skin contact is detected, a 150-pound spring deploys an aluminum brake into the blade path, bringing it to a halt in 5 milliseconds or less.
Someone on here recommended that I get a large forstner bit for a project. I have no idea what I’m doing and it doesn’t fit. I need to drill holes into driftwood so I can carve it easier.
I cut 16 mortise holes for a table I'm making, I cut 1 of the 16 mortises too long so my stretcher tenon is too small, I have no more wood and won't have any till next month, can I do anything to fix this?