What video game stage or boss you hate with all your guts?
What was it? Just tell me brain!
Finding an actual job is hard
What’s a quote from a movie that you use all the time?
Reporter accidentally pushes microphone into Trump's face
Update and mods
Maybe maybe maybe
Is there any way to make anki cards without the bloat marked? It gets in the way, I'd rather have it in the end or not at all.
Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on this one.
ELI5: Why do digital appliances get slower over their lifespans?
Perk selection
This is the ‘world’s smallest microcontroller’, measures just 1.38 mm² and costs 20 cents
B&R Magnetic Levitation, conveyor system.. so.. weeh-less cars on the way this decade hopefully!
Watching This Crusher Pulverize Things
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Nepo babies that are more talented than their parents?
Government deficit rose 4% in Trump’s first full month in office, despite DOGE
Two little girls helping their dad rebuild an engine
My character suffered from the concussion so hard that one of the effects become russian
Why does this look worse every year?
Finding 1 is hard enough but 2 BROKE GASOLINE ENGINE REALLY???
These play so hard they make a computer game stuff of athletes
What's your excuse to not being AoEing right now?
What's your excuse to not being gaming right now?
Boat weight glitch
Do I need more steam turbines to prevent overheating?