New grad ER vet
A bit scared of animals, can I become a vet?
Racism, prejudice, no protections
CareVet Employment Question
VEG (Veterinary Emergency Group) compensation for ER doctors
Pay deduction
Talk me off a ledge or tell me to look for a new job please
Question about VEG PTO and call-outs
What is wrong with my cats nail/paw?
Is my cat having focal seizures?
Got rejected by every single mainland US schools that i applied too
Clinical year-struggling
Note taking in vet school
I feel guilty that I make a living wage
Does your love for animals change?
Please welcome veterinarians to the community, it's official
are abroad trips worth it?
Be honest current vets
What are y’all’s thoughts on Ross SVM and St George’s SVM?
Vet Lost my Cat and Called the Cops on ME
Updating routine for more high-end - which brand: La Prairie vs. La Mer vs. Augustinus Bader
Why not humans?
What else can I do?