She chose a man over me and I am heartbroken. Please help
I (30F) have been seeing this woman, R (also 30F), for about three months. She’s in an open marriage with her husband (they are platonic, best friends) and also has a boyfriend, who she recently has become more serious with. Our connection has been intense—deep conversations, passionate chemistry and mind blowing sex and intimacy, and a kind of emotional pull that makes me feel completely seen when she’s present. But lately, her communication has become more distant.
My friend Eleanor told me that she has posted romantic pics with her boyfriend over the past month and I realize that she muted me from seeing them. She’s underplayed how serious they’ve become to me. She always just told me it’s the first time she’s had good sex with a man and it’s nothing more than that.
At the beginning, she’d reply to my texts within a day. Now, it’s every three days, and I feel pathetic even noticing the pattern, let alone caring about it. But I do. She’s private on social media, yet she has 4,000 followers, which somehow makes her feel even more out of reach. It’s like I was let into this exclusive, curated world of hers for a brief moment, only to now feel like I’m being quietly removed from it.
Here’s where it gets messy: I can’t shake the feeling that she’s too good for me. She’s semi famous (incredible actress who went to Yale drama) creative, magnetic, in a way that makes people gravitate toward her. Meanwhile, I feel like I’m constantly trying to prove my worth, to show her that I’m worth keeping around. I’ve been stuck in this cycle before—falling for emotionally unavailable people, getting drawn in by their intensity, and then feeling devastated when the high wears off and I realize they were never really mine to begin with. So, Reddit, how do I stop feeling like I have to earn her attention? And more importantly, how do I accept that even if she’s pulling away, it doesn’t mean I’m not enough?