Is not giving her an O yet a dealbreaker?
She chose a man over me and I am heartbroken. Please help
My wise, feeling infjs — have any of you ever gotten through to an ‘avoidant’ attachment style?
Do you have to truly know someone before saying you’re ‘in love’ with them?
HELP: Should I go to urgent care? Day 3 of these symptoms...
Avoidants, do you ever regret breaking up with your ex?
I fell in love with her and then she dumped me because ‘her boyfriend is jealous’.
Can two 'straight' women fall in love? If this is your experience, can you share?
DAs how are you at texting? Are you apathetic with romantic partners?
I (30F) was downgraded from 'dating' to FWB by a girl (31F) I've been seeing for 4 months.
I'm falling in love with a married woman -- how do I navigate this after 3 months?
Should I (30F) bare my soul to her (31F) and speak my truth? Or should I take her actions as rejection.
Confused and frustrated— is she pulling away or is her husband/boyfriend really the issue?
Am I overreacting or is she just not into me?
Bi women, have you ever gotten the ‘ick’ after a few dates with a woman you were really into? What caused it?
Hypothetical question: if you had no friends or family and you were fated to be alone the rest of your life, would you still want to live?
Have you ever been able to regain the trust of a friend after betraying them? I need help.
How do I (30f) regain the trust of my (33f) friend after unintentional betrayal?
How do I (30f) regain the trust of my friend (33f) after unintentionally betraying her?
Can I regain the trust of my friend (34f) after I (30f) unintentionally betrayed her?
My ‘best’ friend is throwing a birthday and didn’t invite me. Should I address her?
[30F] My best friend [33F] suddenly pulled away and I am spiraling. WHY?
My friend told me I drain everyone’s energy. I don’t know how to act now.