I opened a Booster and this came with it. I cant find the rules for it so could someone explains how it works? Sorry im new
Fooken spiders, man...
Bottom 5 Scoring Submissions of the week from r/Custommagic 1/2/2023
How do yall deal with crackheads
Rule 0
Unpopular opinion : DoH is the most fun boss in sekiro
My Rivals played this combo, and now I'm in Heat. It's time for some Payback, and bury them Underground. What should I use?
Finally ! Fuck you demon !
The Watch was so good they made a book series out of it 😳😳😳
I don’t see the appeal of the Souls formula
Is it possible to create a mono Blue Goblin Deck in MTG Arena? It seems like there are almost no decent blue goblin cards, or is it just me?
Is it possible to create a mono Black Dragon Deck in MTG Arena? It seems like there are almost no decent black dragon cards, or is it just me?
Madison Advocates - One way force deck
MaRo is against necromancy
My ditto looks weird
Gotta be honest, the first burried one almost gave me a heart attack. Good thing my first Instinct was "kill it with fire" xD
My best cards got wet. Are they still playable?
I was really curious how big Elden Ring's map is compared to Dark Souls 3, so I made a (approximately) to scale comparison!
mohg teaches typing
Am I the only one that liked Elden Beast?
I unlocked Placidusax grace before encountering him. This isn't supposed to happen right?
My entire playthrough
What does this game hide?
Hey gamers! what's your most hated stax card? mine's {{frost lynx}}
There’s borderless. Is there also bordermore?
I was going to post this with a [[psionic blast]] reference, but then image 2 happened (custommagic)