New looks incredible and amazing but my heart is still on original as always
Was True ultra instinct overhated or most misunderstood techinque in the Dragon Ball series?
Goku finally understands the Saiyan Prince's pain.
I'm not complaining or anything but didn't this same guy who fought his creator and win, right?
What Baby Vegeta did is pretty messed up but you can't blame his reason against Saiyans
Gt base goku would solo all of super but maybe Zeno
No, I'm not a fanboy. I'll stay objective and explain why I think SSJ Gogeta would win.
It has been 13 years and this still haunt me...
Hey guys when gears of war e-day comes out should the coalition put gears war four and five characters in multiplayer or keep them out of multiplayer and keep it classic?
I've always said that character would been "THE" ideal villain for Gears of War 4 and Gears 5, but they made him feel "pointless" and disappointing
Do prefer Run the Jewels in gears of war or The New Day?
What would you do in this situation
A picture says it all.
Do you guys agree with them or nah?
Was this movie the most misunderstood in the franchise?
[COD] If you replace Reboot Soap with the Original Soap for Reboot Ghost's partner, what would their friendship gonna be?
A fan can dream can’t he?
Who do you think is the most wasted character in the Baki series history?
If you remove the energy shield from the Covenant fleet, how far can the UNSC fleet make it?
This is my response to everyone who says "Goku is a bad father"
I hate how they removed Lamenters in the new Trailer, it'd be perfect to see them actually being in action
The Astartes' chapters
It has been so long, Astartes...
Buck tells you: "Every other Spartan. Every soldier, when they hear about this. They are going to hate us. You know that, right?" How do you respond to him?
I honestly don't really see what is so upsetting about this scene?