i keep getting a perfume taste in my mouth. wtf does that meannn
how do i stop my piercings getting infected?
What is your favourite colour?
Have you eaten a vegetable today?
Should you tell people if they smell?
Would you ever call you partner babe/baby
my instincts just seem to know shit and I have such a shitty feeling about my bf rn
Teens, what is your experience using a school bathroom ?
my sisters bothers me soooo much, someone tell this bitch to go home please
the schedule i want
Please just laugh 😭🙏
Name him
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Rate me pls
Yeaaaah, Nah!!
A forgotten glue trap in the closet 😬
What was your longest Break from VrChat and why?
someone tried to kill me 5 years ago but the thing that bothers me the most is that nobody cares
The world is ending and you have one last song to play
why is there so many hackers in the game now??
Do you have a “type”?
Can we all agree that vaping makes you look rather silly😭
Kids should not have phones under 12
my brother ate 60 jaffa cakes in 2 days
I got phasmophobed 😭😭
being blown away in ireland rn