Regice 3 player local 846555032353
Has anybody gotten parts from and if so, is it trustworthy?
Should I purify? Or keep shadow.
BLACK KYUREM 122064374946
Black kyurem raids 8335 5424 0860
Found this thing in the water while fishing. It has a solid shell and orange stuff inside. Kind of looks like a big ass tooth.
boutta smoke these !
Zekrom Wb send gift be ready 000108681776
296148858777 got a dual one if you wnana do both
I will be doing a few zekrom raids add 327648123044
556058815447 shundo hunting weather boosted
WB Reshiram 2locals 321333393277
Reshiram one other local and party power 296695323235
Landorus raid on me - 7515 6387 4756
Coballion 2250 8222 8674
WB Terrakion raid 4833 2456 9550
Xerneas on me! 8465 5503 2353
Which Snivy should I evolve?
Finally evolved my shadow 4 star
WB Garchomp 319581322596 now!
Xerneas raid, 2 locals here with party power! 3242 1613 4437
Back to back!! Xerneas then Yveltal w/ 2 locals. 365458420094. If I add you, you will get an invite so please join.
Yveltal 3 local 6643 6234 2270