Choose wisely
What movie you wish you didn’t rewatch?
Which movie are you grateful you saw at the cinema?
What film do you most regret not watching in cinema?
Who would win in a fight?
Who's the better villain?
Do you prefer Batman with or without the cowl?
oh, oh it's peak
Which film director would you definitely NOT want for the DCU?
Who would win?
How do you want Green Lantern uniforms to look like in the show ?
Why does the new icon/banner say 500k inmates when there’s only 499k? Are the mods stupid?
The best country is ___.
Which movie is this for you?
Good music is like ______ for the soul.
What does the 🍑 stand for?
Godzilla Vs Kong's trailer turns 4 years old today
New G.I. Robot flair and emoji added today... for absolutely no reason at all ;) Cheers to the Tin-Man!
Favorite "weird" hear me out
Favorite Characters that you Main in a game
Your last saved image made Man cry, what is it?
Snyder invented jerking
Why is he massively gay is he stupid?
Is there a lore reason for why soup dicked man?
Which kino sequels are you hyped for?