New monster item 🐲
Reynad Patch Breakdown! + Patch Notes!!
Holy shit
2025 Mock Draft
Sunday Gameday Thread
Why was the reduce freeze time skill removed?
Fort went from the best enabler of Pyg infinites in the game to the best enabler of Pyg scaling items in the game
Raiders are Dragging Pete Carrol out of Cracker Barrel for one more ride, what the actual fuck??
Stonks be rising
New patch notes just dropped
This disgusting item has beautiful artwork
Every playoff game follows the same script
Servers down again?
did the servers shit themselves?
Charizard Ex from 151 misscut
What player that never got a ring do you feel bad for the most?
Servers down?
Bullying The Sparring Partner
Reverse sear 3 lb ribeye
Bug when getting enchantment after reaching 0 prestige
Ultimate Claw Build
Unlimited Blade Works!
little guy took on a whole wasp!