What is the most important planet in your birth chart?
To all the people who were trolling my beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL Ahmedabad✨✨✨
Mantra hasn't delivered my order and is not ready to refund. Fraud fraud fraud!!
This post is for all the people who were trolling Ahmedabad these past few days. I have seen lots of reels, tweets saying how they would never attend a concert in Ahmedabad and how Mumbai one will be much much better! Well here you go.
Guru ❌ Brihaspati ✅ (JUPITER)
Husband 30M hit me (30F) within two months of a lavish wedding
Do you girls ignore taunts and unnecessary talks from inlaws?
Recommend heart break movies please!
My (18f) mom beat me up black and blue cause i took ''sexy'' pic of myself
What does Ahmedabad mean to you?
Need ya’ll to hype me up to wear sleeveless to the gym
Would you keep using the expensive gifts gifted by ex or trash em?
I'm currently 82 kg and lose approx 12 kg in a span of roughly 6 months
Single Mom here, Divorced has been best thing that happened to me
Cultural help pls!
Am I eating the correct diet to lose weight?
Changes in body recently which i hate this is affecting my confidence [ considering breast implants
Good movies which includes psychologist or therapist to watch
Why do people judge if you have a “type(physically)”of person you like
AITK if i lead my bf on just to break up with him at the end
Really really scared. Please help :(
Why Does Saturn Exalt in Libra?
How can this situation improve from here ?
Alternatives for The Whole Truth Food