University lecturer (college professor) ChatGPT use cases?
Thinking of leaving the NHS for a lecturer job. The lecturer job is better paid but is it a good move? Out of the frying pan into the fire?
30 day limit
Oushk pharmacy, no delivery
Do Smoggies say "Canny" as in "Can't"/"Cannot"
Law student sues Cambridge University for failing him on his PhD and costing him his barrister job offer
Have any RG unis had *compulsory* redundancies in this latest crisis yet?
I lied about how much I make to a new job and they want proof.
What do you say when people ask how you've lost weight? - secret jabbers!!!
Considering Withdrawing from a Funded PhD – Seeking Advice
Why after 3+ years I consider Chase UK to be a failure
Bet voided without consent - England
Is it me or has driving standards gotten worse?
Misled into leaving my stable job, for a “permanent” role that now does not exist. I am unemployed as of today.
If a PhD is truly so terrible and the job market is poor. Why are people still doing then?
New Year’s Promotion in UK
Passed in manual, would you consider an automatic for your first car?
[TOMT] A saying which describes my work situation
Giving blood at the Newcastle Donor Centre... parking?
msc meraviglia from New York 7 days
Randomly received £50 from an unknown source into my bank account
Cafes good for working in in the city centre?
Anyone used a pen beyond 30 days?
Interview rescheduling request