Missouri drivers
Lever Action
What type of people drive a 2024/2025 Cadillac Escalade?
You just won $20 million, and your parents ask you for half, what would you say?
Giant order dissappeared from app after loading in car...
Parking lot odors
picked up a 2011 Venza yesterday for $5700. 148k miles, 2wd 2.7l, getting a new windshield tomorrow. Absolute deal of the decade.
I have never used profanity on reddit
Anybody else having this problem today? Popups are too big and I can't scroll down to hit OK.
Police for spark orders
Dean Pelton as Roland
Got screwed 🤬
Will Missouri farmers protest in Jeff City?
Can You Guess What Really Makes a Whitetail Buck a “Shooter”?
Do you check in with the self-checkout employee when doing S&Ds?
Missouri Republicans again acting to overturn the will of the people
This sticker at the deli counter.
Why the bags?
My dog normal vs when she just stole my pizza crust off the table and ate it when I left the room
Just bought these giant pliers, how much would you pay for it and what would you use it for?
Finally downloaded Libby, which books do you recommend?
Should I use an accelerator in concrete mix
Apparently these two people's shoe soles just desintegrated shortly after arriving at an Event. Never seen a sole do that and found it weird to see these post close together, with similar descriptions as well.
Banning Medications Now
Old man thinks he can't go to jail