Monthly Help and Questions Megathread
Differences Between EMT-B and Paramedic Treatment for Pneumonia?
Machine and Ice
Lf a fic where harry refuses to compete in the triwiz, but doesn't leave hogwarts
Tarnished after exploring all of the shadow realm after getting the Ranni ending
Eva Unit Mark.06
I feel like most Stasis and Arc Subclasses kinda got entirely replaced by Prismatic
Cyborg Ninja
Tide Knight
Dev Insights: The Final Shape Armor Tuning Preview
Can we change Hoarfrost-z so that it grants frost armour when you cast the barricade?
What exotics are just absolute garbage and desperately need a rework?
Rate My Hunter!
FYI: Salvation's Grip is genuinely good now. Read for more info.
Titan Main looking for new ways to play / rant about titan play style
King Midas
Stasis build that works?
My Stasis Titan Fit
I beat Blood Rose on my 1st try last night!
Remove daily legendary drops cap
Real Talk: I hope in the future, games with this kind of monetization are completely frowned upon and immediately die.
to all players pre paragon to early paragon, essence transfer is a must
Diablo Immortal is actually a great game
What is this DH armour set/cosmetic? And how is it obtained? Can’t find it anywhere online…
Nonstop grinding, love the game ❤️