Trip report and advise needed
Which is better: Nutmeg or LSD?
Where do crackheads even come from?
Heroin is a prescription medication in the UK and in several other countries of the world. It is known as diamorphine or diacetylmorphine.
Is heroin worse for you than fentanyl?
Would you slap me for 1 million dollars?🥺🥺
What is happening?
Is this dp/dr?
Existential thoughts are destroying me😔
Anyone have luck with Abilify for DPDR
Recovery progress for 30 yr. sufferer
Masturbation with dpdr?
It’s been 50 hours and i’m still high. I’ve tried everything
Could you finish? Would you even want to?
Smoking weed is nothing like how people think
What professions do the most drugs?
Whats all the fuss about weed psychosis?
So i guess I'm 18 now
When you ran out of paper but sill wanna get stoned:
Former 24yr old fentanyl/heroin addict and drug dealer, AMA!
[META]Online users, what are yall doing on a dead sub?
EU-legal strain for a first time?
Does this bud look any good?
what to do with weed that looks alright but dont get u very high
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to