So bosses are now firing/not hiring Gen Z workers because they act their wage and don’t take crap from their bosses ?
Guys, I think something is wrong with the skin I bought this event.
What have you named your freighter?
Does farming nantes in an expedition stay with you after?
Guys, I think the Watcher is driving semis after StS 1
Ship Storage
Any advice on how I can push T14? Currently capped at T12 Wave 80
I'm dog water at the Watcher (first win)
Not sure what to do now
How do some of you play so much?
Is Golden Tower capable of 100% uptime now?
Lab advice
Trick to "Tap Floating Gems"?
Never had a run like this before
Found a vehicle on the side of the road.
When to start switching to Glass cannon
How to get the most coins
What happens with prismatic if i dont have all my subclasses unlocked?
UV Strips in bills
Should I rush to TH16?
ULPT Request: If you had to hide snakes from your rental personnel, how would you do it?
Has anyone had to hide their snakes from your apartment personal?
Whats the deal with builder base?
Looking to re home my boys. What options do I have?