Airedales On Screen
AITA for kicking my boyfriend out because he “forgot” about my allergy?
Walk time!!
AITAH for wanting to break up with my bf because he never pays for anything?
Incel snowflake gets triggered by couples
My boyfriend, 28M, screams and calls me, 25F, names when he gets mad. Do I leave?
I was always fascinated by black pill but never got into it. Is there any potential for me? 18m
I’m finally doing it
"it's about personality"
Is everyday something we’re supposed to work up to
Why is my bf (M26) choosing porn over me(F21)?
So it begins.....
What am I doing wrong
Recs for a leave-in to use on ends that is ultra softening/moisturizing feeling>>>
Saw this on my college fizz
My Mom is Asking me for my hair to be trimmed for split ends should i say yes?
Husband (36M) is asking me (35F) to abort an unplanned pregnancy. He tells me I don't care about him if I don't go through with it. I don't know how to make this choice
How can one human being talk to another human being like that?
A man trending on tik tok right now for being next “serial killer”
I bet he said some heinous things and the therapist was reacting like a normal person would
Sometimes the old ways are best...
Bombur knows it
Gave a cute guy my number at the store.