And they're both 10/10 albums
The Vibes bro.
i am still traumatized by this horrid movie
If you could only take three Tarantino films and the rest disappear forever, what three are you taking?
Bli bortglömd på sin födelsedag
Imorgon är det måndag
Rita Hayworth - You Were Never Lovelier (1942)
What is your favorite Gary Oldman performance?
Who else genuinely likes this?
Happy birthday Thomas Jane!! Honestly their hasn't been a bad punisher casting and that's a good thing
Rasism är inte att man nedvärderar andra etniciteter eller kulturer
Former President Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin
Nej nu ni har vi något att VERKLIGEN fira! Ring Ulf Kristersson för att göra ett tal till nationen meh en gång!
This is Amos, he is losing hair on his spine and back side. He is primarily an indoor cat, but does like to go outside. He does have a flea collar. Any ideas as to what could cause this?
Tina Williams is voted as a good person who's opinions are divided. Day 5: Who is a morally gray person who's opinions are divided in the Halloween franchise?
Vilken hårprodukt?
What type of cat is this
I just watched the movie for the first time and…
What’s a band you want to like, but just can’t
Time for some Matei ASMR
Be honest, what's actually holding you back from living your best life?
Hur förklarar jag för min chef att jag inte kunde sova eftersom en helikopter flög runt och runt och runt och runt och runt hela natten
This sub should close down
Helped her retrieve her runaway horse.