Can you solve this?
Can anyone please explain me the hate on alakh sir🙏🙏.no trolling shit. just give me some good points why people hate him
How many stereomers does this have?
heart in arabic?
If Prof. Brand had solved the equation of gravity, why was it shown that Murph solved it for the first time using the quantum data sent by Cooper?
Soo, what happens when Steven dies?
guys what would u do in this situation??
I wish this guy would get arrested and spend some time in prison
Muslim dickhead looted my money
How does COOH in Ph-COOH^- doesn't participate in resonance?
How is +CF3 more stable than +CCl3?
Well well well
How does this branch show equivalent Resonating structure?
Compare the stability of the anions of all halogens
If we break the shown C-H bonds, from where, upto where, resonance occur?
Does resonance occur here?
29th walo jada khush mat hona
Compare bond dissociation energy
Compare stability between Ethane Ethene and Ethyne.