What's a funny name for a pet monkey?
Redditors of Reddit, have you ever shat your pants in public? Tell us your story
Guys of Reddit, what do you think of Ginger girls?
People named Jack, how do you feel when people use the phrase "Jacking off"?
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How do the pharmaceutical companies come up with all those weird names?
Did you ever pee in a swimming pool?
What's the funniest nickname you've known someone to have?
What would happen if the president decided to repaint the Whitehouse Hot Pink?
Is there actually any money to be made in brewing poteen?
What's your favorite thing to put on a baked potato?
Ladies of reddit, whats in your handbag and why is it always such a mystery?
Doctor, Doctor, Im a kleptomaniac, is there anything I can take?
What's the pussiest way to die?
People with long hair; is it not really annoying?
Do koka noodles count as asian food?
Where's the weirdest place you've taken a shit?
What would happen if you took a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time?
Why did Fr Jack call the rabbits "Hairy Japanese Bastards"?
How did "The Catcher In The Rye" inspire that nutcase to shoot John Lennon?
What's something that's funny until it actually happens to you?
Why are some songs such earworms? Like, what actually is it about some songs?
When is a time when you really put your foot in your mouth?
"Pistorius" sounds like a spell Harry Potter would use to make someone's legs disappear