Not fat, just a bit floofy 😌
Last ones this season
The Queen Hosts Guests, 2009 & 2019
Which of your varieties have been developing blossom end rot?
The hornworm that i just sprayed off my tomato plant
Is this BER on my pineapple tomato ?
Which celebrity do you no longer like because you found out they're actually a bad person?
What's something that has disappeared over the last decade that you wish hasn't?
What causes way more deaths than people are aware of?
What would you name him?
What did you do once and you would never again?
Ruining Family Photos With My Awful Hair and "I Hate Pictures" Face at 15
What are some of the most, friendliest, kindest, most loving countries you've been to?
Feeling a little down today, could i see everyone’s baby’s?
What is the most brainwashed cult in the world?
Unmarried people of r/Morocco in their late twenties, why?
What’s something you’ll never do again?
What country fucked your country?
What album is perfect and has no bad songs?
What piece of history is deliberately being erased from existence?
Do you love yourself?
In the "who cares" news I am 1 year sober today and 3 days smoke free. I have nobody to celebrate it with so I am celebrating with you guys. (OC)
First time ever in Morocco, please tell me what kind of clothes to avoid
Fantastic Moroccan reds
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