Quick question- Hallandale is done, correct? So any telehealth co saying your meds will be shipped from Hallandale is being dishonest or possibly the people I spoke with are unaware?
Zappy orders for this month
Does anyone know if fifty410 will do anymore three month orders? I know they are still processing applications sent before the 15th..
Nice one mom feeding the pervs. I’m sure they’ll love this one. Also that bath water look filthy 🤢🤢
Either fifty410 is having trouble with their website, or they pulled the plug on offering terzepatide - it’s no longer in their pricing list, and anything that used to lead to their terz program details says “page not found” or something like that..
Completed online forms for Fifty410. Now what?
People have every right to post about their bad Fifty410 experiences here
Busted by Brello..earlier this week I opened an account and received my shipment. Today I tried to make another to add to my stockpile. They found out, and linked both of my accounts with these errors 😩. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to order from them again..
Ugh, what could this be? The visit on the bottom is the first and says “prerequisite needed”, then it went back into the “waiting room” with the same provider..
Brello: Prerequisites Required??
Where can I order Hallandale tirz from, as of today, March 14, 2024
Amble’s Response To Next Weeks Tirzepatide Deadline
Amble - I ordered and was approved for a three month starter kit earlier this week. Since then it’s been crickets..I know it may take a couple days, but having zero updates makes me nervous..
Has anyone been successful opening two different accounts (using different emails) with Brello?
Update on my experience w/ Brello (2 orders)
Question on Zappy - I got approved for a three month 15mg plan. Does anyone know if they actually send all three months upfront? I have to pay it all, so I’m assuming yes..
First Dose
Just hit 3 month mark - down 40lbs!
Trying with Lumimeds now. I’m curious because when I go to check out and complete my application (entering cc too), they never ask what my current dose is or if I’ve used glp1s before??
Fifty410 question
Help with question - what tier is 15mg for three months?
No Jobs
Why aren't they taking care loads to a storage unit NOW?
Question: I received my first shipment of 3 months at 15mg. Does this look right? There are 9 vials with what looks like 1ml in each
PLEASE use critical reasoning