Men, do you eat whole bananas in front of other men?
Will social media ever end, or is it here to stay?
When did social media start to go downhill?
Why do cats want more pets than dogs, and how long could they be pet before it’s enough?
Why do some hr employees post job openings but the internal team isn’t hiring?
What did they do with Morpheus’ red chair?
Is literally everyone in U.S. struggling paycheck to paycheck?
what does the purity of meth even mean
if someone wants to educate/entertain like mythbusters or bill nye today, what’s the best way to start that as a career?
AIO to my gf being bisexual
Do people say “that looks like cgi”, “that looks like cg”, or something else now?
Do you have any catchphrases when you orgasm?
What does "Woke" mean?
Self-taught devs : How did you learned ?
What's considered entry level?
My Dad got his bank account hacked and now all of his money is gone. Our bank is closed what can we do in the meantime?
Why is there such a stigma around squirting?
Just days after the crash in DC another crashed in Philly
Is Kevin Spacey officially retired?
Is it better to choose a company 401K package or decide your own investment strategy?
Can someone change their their personality permanently, without any external help?
Out of the 8 hours you spend at work how many do you spend actually working?
Im on end of s3 and i got spoiled , i need your help
Do male actors when kissing ever get hard?
Is Dexter meant to be attractive???