Matlock | S1E12 "This Is That Moment" | Episode Discussion
Embracing Simple Living: What’s Your Favorite Change That’s Made Life Better?
Coolest Surname you have heard ?
Cruising with friends or parents - bed situation
So.... What do we think with stickers?
Unsubscribing from capitalism
UPDATED: What to do with leftover pads?
Can I sleep sideways?
What to do with leftover pads?
No one bought these at $10.49 per dozen, so now the dumpster gets to eat them.
My Predictions for What’s Next
Does anyone else get overwhelmed by having “too much stuff”?
Summer reading prizes for adults
Curly hair
What Palia things have crept into your daily life?
Anyone else have this kind of thinking?
Where do all of the fresh babies come from on TV?
As an American, how do you feel about your future?
U.S. Economic Blackout Friday, February 28th
A possibly weird question that keeps bothering me
How often did you use your DisneyBand+?
I'm tired of being advertised at
What in the plastic waste violent consumerist hell...
Confession time: what is one thing you have hated to admit you have done in this game? We listen and don’t judge.
Who’s Your Least Favorite Character To Level Up?