Scandinavian washing
Never forget to bid your goodbyes with a smooch
Reasoning with an idiot will only cost you time
Climbing the Inside of a Tree
No thank you!
How to tell if your prez is a conspiracist or not
"working for the American people" my a$$
Maximum effort !
The patience of this kid
This is what I picked up from the SpaceX crash in January. Now with the recent crash there is even more out there in the oceans.
Only in Cape Town, South Africa
boys being boys
If shit happens, then let it…
Who is taking these recommendations?
The incredible fall of Charles Gamel-Seigneur
coz of the nose ring? lol
Another Day, Another Lie
You fools!
It's all fun and games until your opponent gets a turn
The way my family's pressure cooker's handle broke.
I'll always keep you warm
Happy little accidents…
Pure fresh honey
Indian Army stumbling upon a religious preacher meditating in Siachen, the coldest glacier in the world.
He has sorta admitted that he is guilty