Does anyone else feel that the new Quetzalcoatlus design should've been Hatzegopteryx instead?
Tasty Boys | The Goldbergs
White European Studying Abroad in the US Starter Pack
Best albums for someone who is trying to get into live albums
Why in God's Name didn't they Put this Thing down when they had the chance
The general public likes the JW: Rebirth trailer
is this real?
No shame
What's your favorite cover of a Beatles song?
How would you review Sunflower? Give a rating out of 10
Which drummer/percussionist inspired you to pick up the sticks and why?
In Defense of the New Mutant (This post contains pictures of real life animal mutations and deformities.)
Some of you guys are hypocrites.
Based on what we’ve seen, how do we think Rebirth is going to rank among the other movies? + theories
I hope Rebirth actually has something to say
Guess my age, gender, and sexuality
Now & Then wins the middle square by a landslide. What’s a great song we are divided on?
What is the best album of 1996?
What’s the best album of 1995?
Who do you think was the most good-looking Stone in their youth?
Best mashup albums?
What Beatles album would " Now and Then" for best into?
My Tier List
How would you review 20/20? Give a rating out of 10 too
How would you review the Norbit soundtrack? Give it a rating out 10 too.