What band got you into metal
Omg dawn of the black hearts is so kvlt and dope!!!
I have to know
I've always hated this time of year
Convince me to become a fan of your favorite band by recommending just one song.
What’s the album that transcended your expectations when you first played it ?
what do you all think about this ?
What is your favorite soda or just drink in general?
Stop! What's your favorite music artists!
What song is currently playing in your head?
What’s your favorite music
Vie de merde
Avenged Sevenfold Era Setlist (Day 3) Waking The Fallen choice.
My pen is unfortunatly made in france
Ma santé mentale est en train de s'effondrer
Les chats devraient rester à l'intérieur
Je soupçonne Philippe Boxho d'être un énorme mytho
On devrait envoyer nos adolescents en soirées/festivals à partir de 12 ans
La "minute de silence" ne sert à rien.
J'ai peur d'être fou et dangereux
What vibes do I give off? (17m)
What would your username be without these letters?
Day 3: How would you rank the songs from "City of Evil?"
Why is sex so overated
Je suis perdue dans ma sexualité