A monkey swapped an S25 Ultra for a small pack of a mango drink.
Samsung again disabled burn-in protection
Someone made a parody account of Jiankui He to hate on Indians.
I made a simple game for S Pen and want to show it off
He talked about all the issues with the beta and how it doesn't make any sense
The OneUi 7 Beta roll outs make no sense
After using the S25U, the S23U feels heavy and uncomfortable to use.
Someone please do a hands on video of the S23U with the new beta. Pretty sure a lot of people would appreciate that.
Guys. If your device wasn't bought from any of these countries, the beta simply isn't available. Saw a lot of people from other countries asking why it wasn't available for them. Just wait for the stable one next month :)
Guys. If you're device wasn't bought from any of these countries, the OneUi beta simply isn't available. Saw a lot of people from other countries asking why it wasn't available for them. Just wait for the stable, safe update next month :)
Today I felt unhappy...
What the....
Is this Satire? Seriously?
Best deal on s23ultra in india right now
Sunset car photos on S23U
10x without cupping of Hand around the lens. Never had this issue last year. Crazy
My graphs are empty. Why is this happening? Code in the comments
[1] 300 [1] 300 Error: could not find function "install.packages" [Previously saved workspace restored]
A $125 Samsung F06 has OneUi7. But we'll have to wait until the end of April. Damn....
Now grief!
Now grief
Girlfriend gifted me thissssss...