"Greatest vocalist" doesn't matter, what vocalist resonates with YOU the most?
Can somebody give my creature a name?
This is so dumb
How do I get this stain out?
Peanuts last day
What is your favorite track to watch races on TV?
So where to find old vinyl rips?
A rap group of trans gynecologist’s
A band of vegan metal heads
A band name for member who all have a fart fetish?
Shows hooked you up from the first ep ?
Band of Stoners addicted to fast food and '90s Hip Hop
Goodbye old friend
Name a band name where everyone is morbidly obese
Need a band name where all the members suffer from narcolepsy
How did you "waste" your 20s"?
Anyone else mop like this?
A band consisting of heiresses to salami fortunes would be called…
Band whose members only eat free breakfast at hotels
I don't like math, so I doodled instead
What are some recommendations you guys have based on my list? Or which of the shows I want to watch should I watch next?
I Miss The Old Days
I need to try a new color this season, what tones would you suggest? 42F