What accent does this narrator have?
Danny but blonde 🤨😼
What's a KDD movie review quote that lives rent free in your head
First impression of me? I'm 5'7 and never get female attention. Beard and without beard.
Genuinely curious what first impressions I give as a 5'1" male
I'm fine with my height as a 5'3" women but the only thing I don't like is my small torso
Can't forget Mr Marvelous Maverick
16 - 20
I've never gotten the appeal of a tall guy
Help me find the origin of this GIF(s)
Something I found like a year ago that hits different right now
Do men like it when women moan during sex? I always feel embarrased to moan so?
A phone that meets my needs?
mother and child .
Say she is 5'3" how tall is he actually?
Confusion with how to support my partner
5’7, I try to dress well and keep fit
I think these things are cool pt1
Why/what do Muslims mean by the bible is corrupted?
Let the memes and videos begin
The influence Islam has on a child
Make the comment box look like Mohammad's search history
Plz explain
YouTube channel 2013-2016 ish?