No plea deals moving forward. Here's why;
Does Atheism Have a Good Explanation for the Laws of Logic? (Please don’t reflexively downvote)
What’s a company secret you can share now that you don’t work there anymore?
Why aren’t witches punished now?
How do you guys reconcile the problem of evil with the inherent brutality of evolution as a process and the five mass extinctions that earth has gone through?
Jeremys final trial on March 3.
Please help me find a name for this Fireball! “Miso” just didn’t sit right as he’s very feisty!
If islam is so violent, and a terrorist religion that encourages child marriage, then why is it the fastest growing religion in the world?
Man On His Third Marriage Buys Snowmobile
House Guest Enters Unholy Arrangement With Cantaloupe
Power Outage Forces Walmart To Empty Its Warm Cream Into Waiting Vessel
Denver CO Prosecuting Attorney Goes To Buffalo Wild Wings On A Whim
Local Scientist Wonders Why He’s Protecting $40 In Clothing With $200 White Lab Coa
Left For Dead, Radish Makes One Last Effort To Look Buyable
Best Buy Manager Gives ‘Equality’ Speach To Mouth-Breathing Teen Employees Again
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Screams ‘Fuck It, I’m Gay And I Live In SC, Bitches’
History Channel Bravely Offers Show Where No One Looks For Gold
Mountain-Dwelling Ram Can’t Believe It’s In A Headline
Area Flower Shop Hires Bill Belichick To Pen Romantic Delivery Cards
Swinging Saloon Doors Slam Shut Dramatically While Dust Breaks Up Dappled Sunlight In This God-Forsaken Bar - Again
Can a scientific definition of life after death render all religion useless?
Mandated teaching of the Bible in schools is a win for the progressive/open Christian and the secularist. (I'm not sure if this should go here or in the Xtian vs. Xtian area?)
Realistically, how will the Ukraine-Russia war end?
Burke did it, what would the consequences be now
We’re adopting this sweet orange girl! Our other girl is named Kiwi and we’re looking for a cute name for this new addition. Ideas?