Why do Italians say they are not white people? That's what Christopher said
The hypocritical moments thread
Fk you Uber. Fk you Dara.
So, how's everyone doing?
What, was it barking?
Let's F go ..or not 🤣🤣🏃🏾♂️
Scariest moment in the show?
Was Tony referring to Dr. Cusamano as 'cooze' to troll him or was it a genuinely affectionate nickname?
Does anyone feel bad for Chris
Why is Carmine Lupertazzi always eating in the scenes he's in?
Why are trash customers able to reduce tips
the best play for Vito (at the end of season 5) would have been to pay for Finn to be killed but make it look like an accident or unrelated to the family
Did Jason fuck up Joseph Pepperelli's tombstone on purpose?
Tarasenko the Chest Pad assassin
What’s a line that you always laugh at, despite it not being a purposefully written joke or punchline?
Phil practiced the phone book shooting trick in his backyard
pussy running made no sense
Paulie is the most failed mobster on Sopranos.
Would Tony have clipped Chrissy if he’d left during AJ’s confirmation party?
Underrated Paulie line
Tony bent over for Butch
I hate the Lady Shylock character!
Its your unlucky day- you just pissed off ONE jersey mob wiseguy on the street. Who would you rather it be and will you survive?
anybody else hate the “20 years in da can” jokes