*Spoiler* I just enhanced this scene to become my wallpaper for life!
Shout-out to the camera operators of Succession for capturing these breathtaking shots!
Best moment of Capcom Cup 2024!
sick as an int student
Walking Buddy
Am I going to regret my limber flap
Can anyone tell me when does Laura's Theme plays in the remake and OG games?
Is replicant worth playing if I have spoilers from playing automata?
Drainage from incision after CL 6 days ago
Stress induced insomnia is an overused “catch all” for insomnia
Two blocks one bee
How long does healing take after CL? Sitting is painful after 2 weeks.
Is my brain fucked?
what do you think about texts that are not generated but improved by AI (not just translations)?
Living with pilonidal sinuses - health risks?
Benefit of not doing turkey quest / killing caveman shopkeeper?
How can anyone feel proud playing this way???
Results of poll (in this group) regarding loneliness amongst singles
I'm M 65 and single living alone. Right now I can handle all of my activities of daily living. In the future I will need help I know. How is everyone planning for this?
What is the best answer?
Sleep deprived for years
I just want someone to talk to even
Weekly Free Discussion Thread