9:28 in the morning, I can’t keep my thoughts with me.
Might get a scholarship to go to a chinese university
How do you guys memorize characters
Extra Curriculums
Does anyone have the integrated Chinese book pdf for free ?
Teenage love is shit
Which country is best to study for undergraduate. (Apart from the US and UK)
Why are people so attracted to individualist lifestyle as in the west (probably) knowing it's miserable?
Is it safe for a woman to live and study in China alone?
How do I decide a degree choice
Should I go to a Chinese uni?
How do I spend my winter holiday
Hi I'm Nisa
Returning to the U.S. After Living in China: A Bit of Reverse Culture Shock
Have people pursued sports they’ve never played or aren’t good at in uni ?
How do I revise and also juggle through new content
currently going through a breakup and not feeling the best so show me your best cat picture you have of your cat :,)
Is alopecia is heriditary
What's your age, and what's the biggest challenge you're currently facing right now?
DAE want kids but Don’t
Struggling to make friends
My HSK classes are extremely slow paced
I really dislike my study abroad and it's making me miserable
Unexpected grade in mathematics
How to let go of resentments with parents.