In the episode 'Dalek' why do no one recognise the Dale's after Doomsday and Jorneys End?
A clip of "An Hour Past Ten: The Prologue||Fan Audio" (Yes, I know. The Voice Impressions need work.)
Posters/ Cover Images for a 'What If' Fan Project
Here's David in Jodie's clothes
I know it’s a bug with the Reddit player, but it’s still hilarious
Made an Opening Title for a Fan Project (Amy's Actor is not casted but is meant to appear after "As The Two Doctors")
Something cursed I accidentally made while making a "13th Doctor Regeneration Revamped VFX" Video
The Thirteenth Doctor Regeneration Reimagined
Thoughts on this time vortex design that I made?
A little snippet of a Fan Audio Drama I'm working on. Both Doctors played by me. Ik, Impressions a bit bad.
If we could have a returning Doctor-Companion combo adventure
When did you discover your first episode, what made you fall in love with it and stick with it for so many years? If you gave up, what was your final straw?
Ain't no way...
What would you like to see
I Drew 14 if the clothes hadn't regenerated
Which Doctor would you be?
I drew River and Chinny. (Rough Sketch, anatomy's a bit off)
Another role has been casted for the fnaf 2 movie
What's your favorite villian?
Where are you sitting?
What cliffhangers/cold openings do you think work better without the sting?
Dead Canary in Cardiff have a Doctor Who themed drink
Aside from 12, which incarnation (11-current) do you think would like to see take River to Darillium?
Obscure/one-off characters who you wanna see return, even if it’s for a small part?
Help me find the part of one music track stuck in my head