I'm working right now and my DON is working the floor as a cna. She's done this a lot and every time it gets to me, idk how to explain it. I'm just like wow
Do i go back?
Humbled af
Does anyone visit their residents after they quit
If you have to go to class 2 days out of the week, with 3 12’s, when do you schedule them?
who wants to spoil a brat
My birth chart
AITA for asking my girlfriend (F18) to stop embarrassing me (M42) by acting like a child?
not sure what to do
Beginning to care for jellies
Women Hygeine help
I quit my job
Career paths after CNA
Family member says my eyebrows make me look angry and may be too thick, what should I change?
weekend getaway
help! how do i take care of this?
Any advice for a haircut?
What's a situation or condition that nobody understands, until they're in it?
How old were you when you got into witchcraft? Do you ever wish you’d discovered it sooner?
Help with cleansing.
help finding the truth
Understanding you work
Beginner looking for advice
Throat Chakra