So my Tia told the waiter at Olive Garden I’m autistic…
Mom who is my boss won't let me quit
What should I do if my colleagues always ask me to help buy takeaway lunches for them but never repay me?
Going back to work after a nice long break. I'm excited but scared as hell...
Just Had Fusion Back Surgery Due to Chronic Lower Back Pain
If I had known it was this easy to make money making adult content I would have done it years ago
Does anyone else have so much pain in their body that they have to lay in bed all day every day?
Someone at work accused me of having resting bitch face this morning and I looked at them and said “I only sleep about every other night and I’ve been in some kind of physical pain every minute for the last 13 years. Why wouldn’t I have resting bitch face?”
Why do people think its emasculating that my girlfriend is the breadwinner of the household?
I hate sleeping with my girlfriend
9-5ers, how do you live and work?
I am really really worried about going back to work. I've been off since August and have loved the time off, but my body has very noticeably broken down more during that time...
Weirdest Customer I’ve ever had
Prescription med rules are dumb.
Does the driver have the option to decide which order to deliver first?
I genuinely wonder if my younger brother (17m) is outright evil.
My silly dog, to make you all smile <3
I think I’m being retaliated against at work. What can I do to protect myself?
Medication Assisted Treatment
How is your social life?
Do you think she was lying?
Why is Alcohol So Ubiquitous; How do Ppl's bodies not reject it??
Can’t wait to find a new job 😂
How is the younger generation supposed to have a good future with this economy?
What was your worst hangover experience like? Give me details